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Guía gay de Buenos Aires: Gay Parade
Eventos y acontecimientos.







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Marcha del Orgullo GayLa Marcha del Orgullo Gay se realiza todos los años en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires la primer semana de noviembre. Comienza por la tarde desde la Plaza de Mayo.

El evento posee una web oficial y es www.marchadelogullo.org.ar

Buenos Aires Gay Pride, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Something of a gay Mecca, by Latin America standards at least, Buenos Aires hosts a thriving gay and lesbian community with many gay clubs, bars and social venues. The main Pride Parade is held in the streets of downtown Buenos Aires on the first Saturday of November, to celebrate the formation of the first-ever gay group in Buenos Aires in 1969. Thousands of gays and non-gays from many different organisations join this popular, flamboyant event.


Streets of downtown Buenos Aires. Includes May Square, facing Cathedral and Presidential Palace.

For More Information

Argentine National Tourist Information Centre: Av. Santa Fe 883
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone 00 54 11 4312 2232.


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